Thursday, February 4, 2010

Making the Schedule

Nothing is more important in this sport than track time. Of course, the options are limited by track availability and geography. I would definitely ride Miller and Barber everyday if I could, but that is just not feasible. Instead, J and I went to a sports bar, sat in front of beer and wings, and penciled a schedule onto the back of a piece of paper.

The result was 13 days at NJMP, 4 at VIR, 3 at Summit Shenandoah, 2 at BeaveRun, and 1 at Monticello.

This schedule is only tentative, and can certainly change due to financial issues, surprise opportunities or just because I want to. But in the meantime, I will be working diligently to pay for all of this :-)

See you at the track!

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